Why is your ”gut” so important?
Your “GUT” is your digestive system / gastrointestinal system, which is comprised of a group of organs including: your mouth, stomach, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, full bladder, small intestine, colon and rectum.
The way your gut functions can help determine your overall internal health. Essentially, it is responsible for breaking down the foods you eat, and how this process supports your body’s natural daily functions.
What does a healthy guy mean?
Regular poop 💩 (ideally if your gut is working efficiently - if food goes in, food should be timely coming out..)
Processed foods will cause inflammation (as your body doesn’t know how to respond to these foreign invaders).
Weight management is dependent on how effectively and efficiently your body uses the nutrients you feed it. This will be one of the contributing factors to your BMR (basal metabolic rate)!
High levels of anxiety, stress & depression can also be linked to your gut health, and how That in turn impacts your mental health!
“Good Bacteria” is found in your Gut! “Good” strains of bacteria help to create a healthy immune system and slow the rate of bad bacteria growth! (70% of your immune system is found in your Gut)!
PREBIOTICS & PROBIOTICS are important for a healthy functioning gut, but they have two very different roles. PROBIOTICS are beneficial “good” bacteria, & PREBIOTICS are food for the bacteria!
Probiotics are live bacteria found in certain foods/ supplements. They can provide improved digestion and immunity, including a happy abs healthy mind.
Eating fermented foods is a great way to increase your intake of probiotics. (They contain beneficial bacteria that thrive on the naturally occurring sugar or fibre in the food.)
Probiotic foods:
Kombucha tea
Kefir (dairy and non-dairy)
Some types of pickles (non-pasteurised)
Pickles (pickled vegetables)
Dark chocolate
Raw soft cheeses (cheddar, feta, provolone, Gouda)
Prebiotics are basically fibre that is not absorbed in the small intestine. Once this fibre travels into the large intestine, it’s then used to help reduce inflammation, keep the large bowel healthy and influence appetite regulation, peristalsis, & immunity.
Prebiotic foods:
Legumes, beans & peas
Dandelion greens
Yacon root (similar to sweet potato)
Wheat bran
Signs of an unhealthy gut:
Constipation & diarrhoea
Unintentional weight loss (can be caused by small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
Unintentional weight gain (can be caused by insulin resistance or decreased nutrient absorption - caused by overeating.)
Trouble sleeping (Serotonin which helps to regulate the body’s sleep cycle is mainly produced in the Gut!).
Skin Problems (irritated skin is often a sign of Gut issues, indigestion, and your bodies ability to absorb vitamins, minerals, & antioxidants.
Inflammation (will alter the function of your immune system... leading to autoimmune diseases - where the body attacks itself rather than harmful invaders).
Food intolerances (digestion)
How to keep your gut happy... :)
Eat foods containing prebiotics and probiotics (or prebiotic & probiotic supplements = “Gut Performance”!)
Limit foods that are high in saturated fat, high in sugar (ie., fried foods, soft drinks & sweets)!
Avoid consuming alcohol in excess!
Avoid processed foods!
Manage your stress!
Practice regular exercise!
Practice consistent sleeping habits!
Don’t smoke!
Eat more fibre!
*Reminder: Antibiotics kill 'good' bacteria as well as the bad bacteria'!
Gut Performance = HAPPY GUTS ✌🏾💚
Happy Guts = Happy body!